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A non-apology where the apologizer seeks to put the onus for an offense on those offended, and the word "if" sets a condition by which they are not really sorry. A form of fauxpology.

"I'm sorry if anyone was offended by my slur."
"So, if no one was offended, that makes it okay, and you're not sorry? Classic ifpology."

by Bryianzum January 31, 2018

28 up, 1 down


The act of picking one's nose. (From Greek, rhino (nose) + tillexis (habit of picking)

Teacher: Well, Jonathan hasn't exactly endeared himself to his classmates with his rhinotillexis.
Mother: Oh my, I didn't realize it was so serious.
Teacher: It means nose-picking.
Mother: Oh. Elitist snob.
Teacher: Thank you.

by Bryianzum April 13, 2008


A person suffering from chronic lung disease.

Doc Holliday: (coughs) Now Ed, are we cross?
Ed Bailey: Without them guns, you're nothing but a skinny lunger...

by Bryianzum August 27, 2008

318 up, 119 down

Pink Floyd Fan

Someone who likes Pink Floyd enough to fit under the definition of being a fanatic (which is commonly shortened into 'fan'). Casual listeners who can't even properly name the songs they like need not apply.

See also 'Fan':
an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.


Casual listener.


Pink Floyd Fan: Actually, if you use the English language and abide by the use of the word 'fan', you have to be an enthusiast to call yourself one. Enthusiasts know the song by name, not by the catchy chorus, just like they know the band by their catalog, not by the singles.


Pink Floyd Fan: Actually, I don't have any problems with popular music, I just have problems with people who talk about how much they love a band when they only know five of their songs. And if you can't grasp grammar, don't attempt to define words and phrases in a public forum.

by Bryianzum March 21, 2009

127 up, 47 down

Pink Floyd Fan

Someone who listens to and enjoys all the music of Pink Floyd. To sharpen the definition, since many people don't seem to understand the sensibilites therein, I will underscore what does NOT make a Pink Floyd fan.

1. Anyone who thinks 'Another Brick In The Wall Part 2' is their best song.
2. Anyone who thinks they didn't make any albums after 'The Wall'.
3. Anyone who does not know who Syd Barrett is.
4. Anyone who thinks Pink Floyd is a person.
5. Anyone who can't name the members.
6. And most importantly, anyone who can only name 'Dark Side Of The Moon', 'Wish You Were Here', and 'The Wall' as albums they have written.

Let me go on to elaborate that anyone who likes just popular music can't consider themselves a fan of a band.

Popular Music Fan: Pink Floyd is awesome.
Pink Floyd Fan: Yeah, what's your favorite album?
Popular Music Fan: The Wall.
Pink Floyd Fan: And your favorite song?
Popular Music Fan: Another Brick In The Wall.
Pink Floyd Fan: Which part?
Popular Music Fan: Huh? There are parts?
Pink Floyd Fan: Do you know any of their other albums?
Popular Music Fan: Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here.
Pink Floyd Fan: Besides those two.
Popular Music Fan: They put out albums besides those three?
Pink Floyd Fan: Do you know who Syd Barrett is?
Popular Music Fan: Didn't he invent guns?
Pink Floyd Fan: You are not a Pink Floyd fan.
Popular Music Fan: Oh.

by Bryianzum March 5, 2005

497 up, 247 down

puss rag

One who is lower in social status or momentary import than an average person behaving like a 'pussy'.

Bobby: Come on, one of you chuck that cherry bomb in the toilet!
Timmy: We'll get in trouble!
Bobby: Don't be a pussy, dude...
Jimmy: What if it catastrophically affects the plumbing?
Bobby: ...don't be a puss rag, chuck it!

by Bryianzum June 3, 2015

Top-rated motherfucker

The person that, in each Urban Dictionary word or phrase, is featured as the top definition thanks to the popular votes he or she has received.

A Pink Floyd Fan is someone who likes Pink Floyd music, INCLUDING The Wall, for it doesn't mean that it is bad solely because it is popular, you top-rated motherfucker.

by Bryianzum March 21, 2009

35 up, 6 down