Source Code


Something that does not make sense

Wow, 99.9% of all the definitions on this website are incoherent

by IrishRepublicanArmy December 5, 2003

262 up, 49 down


(adj) not understandable, meaningless, nonsense

The following passage is incoherent.

l0l0l0l n00b uvA t00k i bat u goo0td oolololol9o0podsfhjj and f0178|3h
d0n't sl323-0 int4w teh s|_|bw4iebiznatchlooolooooow00000000t

by aaronak November 4, 2004

80 up, 25 down


Does not make any sense what so ever, absolute nonsense.

N00000000BLOLOLOLOLOOL W0000T .. etc

this is incoherent

by YeahbutNobutyeah May 24, 2009

24 up, 16 down

Incoherent Babbling

Texts messages that don't make sense. Usually sent while drunk, high, hopped up on drugs, or a combination of all three.

Incoherent Babbling Text- Ex: You make boyz in the hood look like little rascals.

by drunkandstupid October 16, 2010

incoherent bastard

an asshole that mumbles a lot

"man, i hate that asshole bobby"
"yeah, he sure is an incoherent bastard, i couldn't understand what he was saying so he took my beer"

by slogathor April 1, 2009

*incoherent screaming*



*incoherent screaming*

by toastedwater November 20, 2020

7 up, 1 down


Fgghjkop forofos sssi erodimos sillickikik en werthion der qawsedrftghvgfd.

After drinking 10 shots of tequila after losing a bet, Suzy was incoherent.

by Coryyyyy June 13, 2021